Medical Quiz

Genetics Quiz

What is the dominant trait?

A. yellow pea seeds

B. green pea seeds

C. there is no dominant seed

D. Jolly green giant

Select your answer:


Fad Diets Hematology Acute Leukemias Disease Outbreak and Transmission Oral Hygiene Disease & Immunity Musculoskeletal Injuries Perioperative Nursing Care Anatomy of the Eye Blood Cosmetology Healthy Living Vocabulary Cell - Fundamental Unit of Life Health Care Vascular Biochemistry

Other quiz:

Psychopathology › View

How do anti-depressants (SSRIs) help with OCD?

A. They stop serotonin from being released into the synapse

B. They block the re-uptake channels on the pre-synaptic terminal button to allow more serotonin in the synapse for longer

C. The block the receptor sites on the post synaptic dendrites

D. They attach to the axon to make the electrical impulse travel faster

Restrictive Respiratory Disorders › View

The following are treatments for which restrictive pulmonary disease?

Oxygen, anti-inflammatory meds, bronchodilators

A. Tuberculosis

B. Plural effusion

C. Pulmonary fibrosis

D. Pulmonary fibrosis