Medical Quiz

Psychopathology Quiz

How do anti-depressants (SSRIs) help with OCD?

A. They stop serotonin from being released into the synapse

B. They block the re-uptake channels on the pre-synaptic terminal button to allow more serotonin in the synapse for longer

C. The block the receptor sites on the post synaptic dendrites

D. They attach to the axon to make the electrical impulse travel faster

Select your answer:


Blood and Hematology Genetic Engineering Prehabilitation and Conditioning Diseases of The Body Systems Microbes Bacteria & Viruses Monoclonal Antibodies Pancreas Compact Bone Germs Renal Skeletal Muscle Anatomy Schizophrenia Fats And Oil Respiratory Acidosis

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B. carnivore

C. omnivore

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A. to understand nutrition

B. to develope

C. To store fat

D. to grow, repair tissues and have energy