Medical Quiz

Cell Review Quiz

Which is an example of how humans maintain homeostasis in bad environmental conditions?
A. sweating in the heat
B. shivering in the heat
C. digesting amino acids
D. regulating glucose levels

Select your answer:


Trichology Circulation of Blood The Microbial World Liveability Urinalysis/ Immunology Make up Musculoskeletal - Clinical Physical fitness , Wellness and Lifestyle Specialties: Neurological and Geriatric Nutrition Vocabulary Circulatory and Respiratory System Teeths Disease as a Failure of Homeostasis DNA and RNA Structures Normal Radiographic Anatomy Brain and Nervous System

Other quiz:

Pathophysiology › View

The outer, protective layer of the cell that allows for the movement of water and other substances into & out of the cell is called the:

A. mitochondria

B. ribosomes

C. nucleus

D. cell membrane

Brain, Neurons and The Nervous System › View

When shown the word ball in their LEFT field of vision, the split brain patient says they saw nothing, but then they choose a ball with their left hand. Even though they can’t say what they saw, their left hand has awareness because the

A. left hand controlled by left field of vision

B. left hand controlled by left brain

C. left hand controlled by right brain

D. left hand controlled by right field of vision