Medical Quiz

Vet Terminology Quiz


A. Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

B. Domestic short hair

C. Domestic long hair

D. Dead on arrival

Select your answer:


Health Organic Compounds, Minerals and Enzymes Obesity Anxiety Disorders Teeth and Microbes Vitamins and Minerals Normal Radiographic Anatomy ESR (RBC sed rate) CP A&P: Cardiovascular Human Excretory System Forensics: Blood Macro and Micro Nutrients Autoimmune Disease Alzheimer Disease and Dementia Eye or Nose Injuries

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Where Meissner’s plexuses is situated?

A. Submucosa

B. Mucosa

C. Muscularis

D. Serosa

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Where air enters the body.

A. nose/mouth

B. alveoli

C. diaphragm

D. larynx