★ Cardiovascular System Quiz
Blood pressure can be defined as the force of the blood against the walls of the heart.
Select your answer:
Disorders of The Joints Medicine Clinics Immunity and Vaccines Cell - Fundamental Unit of Life Introduction to Histology Diseases of The Digestive System Nature of Science Macromolecules & Enzymes Biological Molecules and Enzymes Mutation & Genetic Engineering Ecology & Organisms Sarcomere Anatomy Bacterial Growth and Culturing Conditions Pediatric Musculoskeletal Disorders The Human BodyOther quiz:
ESR (RBC sed rate) › Viewpolycythemia vera, the RBC count is increased; the blood is more viscous
A. fall faster,
increasing ESR
B. fall slower,
decreasing ESR
Cell Vocabulary › View
Storage container of the cell (for water and nutrients)
A. Vacuole
B. Cell Membrane
C. Lysosome