Medical Quiz

Oxygenation Quiz

You where eating at a restaurant and you saw somebody choking. Upon assessment you noticed that the person is holding his neck and trying to cough out the food. You deduced that he is having partial airway obstruction. What is the best nursing response to this?

A. Stop the client and do Heimlich maneuver

B. Encourage the client to cough out the food

C. Have the client lie down and do CPR

D. Call 911

Select your answer:


Vision & Hearing Infection Detection Health Systems Thyroid Disease Musculoskeletal Injuries & Workstation Design The Musculoskeletal System Histology: Cell & Epithelial Tissue Radiography Medicinal use of Microorganisims Endocrinology Blood types and Blood Components Human Urinary System Consciousness and Sleep Diseases Key Terms Transportation and Excretion

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A. Animal fashion design

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Which statement below is false.

A. The hinge joint allows back and forth movement.

B. The pivot joint allows a bone to turn

C. Fingers have hinge joints.

D. The knee has a ball-and-socket joint.