Medical Quiz

Germs Quiz

When is it okay to share medicine?

A. When it belongs to someone in your family

B. When a friend has the same illness

C. Never

D. Anytime

Select your answer:


Fats And Oil Therapeutic Services Roots Fitness Common Respiratoty Diseases Inflammation and Healing Essential Nutrients Cosmetology Anatomy Human Muscle Philosophy Serology/Blood Typing Epidemiology Organization of Systems Vascular Human Reproduction Wellness Vocabulary

Other quiz:

Bacterial Growth › View

At what temperature range does bacterial growth occur within the danger zone?

A. 0°C to 5°C

B. 5°C to 63°C

C. 63°C to 100°C

D. 100°C to 150°C

Bone Marrow Histology › View

How long can B lymphocytes live?

A. One year

B. 8-10 hours

C. Weeks to months

D. 5-10 days