Medical Quiz

Nursing Vocabulary Quiz

In the medical field, your arms and legs are referred to as this

A. appendages

B. phalanges

C. extremities

D. metacarpals

Select your answer:


Cell Division Renal and Gastrointestinal System Human Anatomy and Physiology - Types of Tissues PHE Healthy Lifestyle Genetics and Censorship Malaria Kinetics Cell - Fundamental Unit of Life Surgical Nutrition Common Diseases in Human Beings Skin Growth Hospital Departments The Energy Nutrients Bacteria, Viruses, Protozoa Fungi Protein Synthesis Enzymes

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_________ is a device used for dermal puncture

A. butterfly

B. Vacutainer

C. lancet

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Sputum specimens should be collected

A. at night

B. in the morning

C. when a patient spits

D. anytime