Medical Quiz

EMS Systems Quiz

National levels of EMS training include all of the following except:

A. advanced first aid.



D. Paramedic.

Select your answer:


Coronary Heart Diseases Human Brain Circulatory & Respiratory System Urinary System and Fluid Balance Nervous, Musculoskeletal Systems, Integumentary Systems Common Diseases in Human Beings Circulatory System - Pathway of Blood Enzymes and Digestion Hygiene and Nutrition Oronasal Suctioning Pain Pathophysiology Special Senses First Aid Bleeding Breathing ...Respiration HHB Immunology

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A. thermometer

B. scale

C. checker

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Which of the following antigen types could be characterized as T-independent antigens?

A. soluble proteins

B. bacterial cell wall components

C. capsular polysaccharides

D. both bacterial cell wall components and soluble proteins

E. both bacterial cell wall components and capsular polysaccharides