Medical Quiz

Environment Quiz

What are considered as bioindicators of air pollution

A. Mycorrhizae

B. Lichens

C. Rhizosphere

D. None of the above

Select your answer:


Vision and Light Food for Thought Defence against Infectious Diseases Central Nervous System Atoms and Radioactivity Protein and Amino Acid Metabolism Asexual Reproduction Muscle Anatomy Year 7 Nutrition History of Healthcare The Human Body Physiothearpy in Neurology Deaf Blind Structures and Functions of Living Organisms and Genetics Fats And Oil

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What is the function of the chloroplast in plant cells?

A. Breaking down cellular debris

B. Photosynthesis

C. Storing water

D. Making ATP molecules

Pathology › View

Brownish Lividity is caused by what?

A. Cyanide Poisoning

B. Nitrate Poisoning