Medical Quiz

Environment Quiz


Phosphates enzyme play a major role in ______ of organic phosphates in soil:

A. Mineralization

B. Adsorption

C. Immobilization

D. None of these

In plants, respiration occurs

A. During the day only

B. During the night only

C. During day and night

D. Only when photosynthesis does not take place

The fungal mycelium in Mycorrhizae penetrates the root cells by means of projections called———

A. Hausteria

B. Arbuscules

C. Absorbing organ

D. None

Biofertilizer is a:

A. Mixture of organic matter and microorganism

B. Culture having the desired strain of microorganisms

C. Mixture of inorganic fertilizer and microorganism

D. Decomposed compost enriched with mineral solubilising bacteria

Oxidation of sulfure to sulphate is carried out by:A.B.C.D.

A. Aspergillus spp

B. Azotobacter spp

C. Bacillus spp

D. Thiobacillus spp

Commonly used method for enumeration of soil microbial population is:A.B.C.D.

A. Contact slide technique

B. Dilution plate technique

C. Microscopic count

D. Microbial respiration

Rhizosphere refers to the small area:

A. Around the root

B. Near the primary root

C. On the root

D. All of the above

The green plants are called

A. Producers

B. Consumers

C. Decomposers

D. None of these

The two components of a ecosystem are

A. Plants and animals

B. Biotic and Abiotic

C. Plants and light

D. Weeds and micro-organisms

Rhizospheres affect microbial population and nutrient availability by:

A. Exerting physical pressure

B. Increasing pore space

C. Secreting nutritive metabolites and organic solvents

D. Changing soil structure

What are considered as bioindicators of air pollution

A. Mycorrhizae

B. Lichens

C. Rhizosphere

D. None of the above

Rhizohium culture is used to increase biological nitrogen fixation in….

A. Cereals crops

B. Pulse crops

C. Cotton

D. Oilseeds

Which of the following relationships identifies a situation in which two species share a requirement for a limited resource thus reducing the fitness of one or both species? A

A. Parasitism

B. Competition

C. Decomposition

D. Mutualism

The presence of autotrophic mycorrhiza enhances the uptake of nutrients in general, but particularly of:

A. Iron

B. Molybdenum

C. Phosphorus

D. Nitrogen

Which energy source pollutes the environment?

A. Solar

B. Wind

C. Hydroelectric

D. Coal

The microbes, which can survive at the temperature 25 – 30 C is termed as:

A. Thermoduric

B. Mesophilic

C. Psychrotrophic

D. Psychrophilic

Bioindicators include

A. Soil animals

B. Soil plants

C. Soil enzymes

D. None of the above

E. All of the above

Match the following Picture (representation) to the Correct Symbiotic Relationship by drawing a line from the word to the picture that matches the relationship
A.     A-A, B-A,C-B
B.     A-B, B-C,C-C
C.     A-C, B-B, C-A
D.     A-C, B-B, C-C

Deforestation causes

A. More floods

B. Reduced rainfall

C. Soil erosion

D. All the above

The word Environment is derived from

A. Greek

B. French

C. Spanish

D. English

Taj Mahal is threatened due to

A. Sulphur dioxide

B. Carbon dioxide

C. Carbon monoxide

D. Water vapour

Within the rhizosphere, plant roots have no effect on composition and density of soil microbial community.



C. Can’t say

D. May be

Rhizobia infect the host legumes through:

A. Cortex cells

B. Epidermal cells

C. Root hairs

D. All of the above

In Lichen, the fungle partener is called as————- a) . b) . c) . c) .

A. Phacobiont

B. Mycobiont

C. Photobiont

D. All of above

Skin microflora is an example of which relationship

A. parasitism

B. commensalism

C. syntrophism

D. amensalism


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