Medical Quiz

Environment Quiz


The ultimate source of energy in an ecosystem is the

A. producers

B. Consumers

C. Sun

D. Decomposers

Phosphates enzyme play a major role in ______ of organic phosphates in soil:

A. Mineralization

B. Adsorption

C. Immobilization

D. None of these

Lichen is the symbiotic association of—————-

A. Fungi & Bacteria.

B. Fungi & Algae

C. Algae & Bacteria

D. Protozoa & Virus

The fungal mycelium in Mycorrhizae penetrates the root cells by means of projections called———

A. Hausteria

B. Arbuscules

C. Absorbing organ

D. None

Rhizospheres affect microbial population and nutrient availability by:

A. Exerting physical pressure

B. Increasing pore space

C. Secreting nutritive metabolites and organic solvents

D. Changing soil structure

———is the type of endosymbiosis.

A. Cooperation

B. Commensalisms

C. Mutualism

D. Predation

Dehydrogenase is an endoenzyme



C. Don’t know

Biofertilizer is a:

A. Mixture of organic matter and microorganism

B. Culture having the desired strain of microorganisms

C. Mixture of inorganic fertilizer and microorganism

D. Decomposed compost enriched with mineral solubilising bacteria

What is the full form of BOD?

A. Bactorial oxygen demand

B. Biological oxygen demand

C. Biological oxide demand

D. None of these

Match the following Picture (representation) to the Correct Symbiotic Relationship by drawing a line from the word to the picture that matches the relationship
A.     A-A, B-A,C-B
B.     A-B, B-C,C-C
C.     A-C, B-B, C-A
D.     A-C, B-B, C-C

Rhizobia infect the host legumes through:

A. Cortex cells

B. Epidermal cells

C. Root hairs

D. All of the above

Skin microflora is an example of which relationship

A. parasitism

B. commensalism

C. syntrophism

D. amensalism

The two components of a ecosystem are

A. Plants and animals

B. Biotic and Abiotic

C. Plants and light

D. Weeds and micro-organisms

———-is the obligatory interaction.

A. Mutualism

B. Commensalism

C. Ammensalism

D. Cooperation

The microbes, which can survive at the temperature 25 – 30 C is termed as:

A. Thermoduric

B. Mesophilic

C. Psychrotrophic

D. Psychrophilic


Types of Nutrients Skeletal System Histology, Bone Repair Joints Diseases Communicable or non Communicable Vascular Surgery Hair Evidence Nutritional Measurements Carbohydrates Medical Microbiology Nervous System Functioning Infection Skeletal Pathology Types of Doctors Urinary Ecology & Organisms Differentiation and Division of Human Cells