Medical Quiz

STNA (State Tested Nursing Assistant) Quiz

Consists of values, beliefs, attitudes, and customs shared by a group of people and passed from one generation to the next.

A. subjective observations

B. stress

C. culture

D. objective observations

Select your answer:


Muscular Vital Signs Geriatrics Living Organisms & Animal Behaviors Diabetes Pathophysiology Movement Nutrition Anatomy and Physiology Skeletal System Metabolic Sauver Oral Surgery Cardiovascular Physiology - Function Visual Impairment Health Care Pharmacology Cardiovascular Med Terms

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Enzymes and ATP Structure › View

an energy-carrying molecule that carries/stores energy for cell functions.



C. Glucose

D. Ribosome

Benefits of Physical Activity › View

The ability to change your body’s position quickly to control your body’s movements.

A. Agility

B. Balance

C. Coordination

D. Reaction Time