Medical Quiz

Cardiovascular System Quiz

Which is NOT a function of the circulatory system?

a. deliver O2 and nutrients to cells
b. remove CO2 and wastes from cells
c. break down carbohydrates into glucose
d. transport other materials through body

Select your answer:


Gastroenterology Biochemistry Lab Adaptive Immune System Nail Diseases and Disorders First Aid Check up Health and Disease DNA and RNA Structures DNA Replication Urinary System, Fluid, Electrolyte and ph Balance Bacteria & Disease Orthopedics Asexual Reproduction Lungs Biology Pain Pathophysiology

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This bone is called….

A. Femur

B. Pelvis

C. Skull

D. Ribs

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Paranuclear halo or hof is usually seen in

A. Promyelocytes

B. Myelocytes

C. Metamyelocytes

D. Bands