Medical Quiz

Germs Quiz

Dehydration is when your body loses too much …

A. water

B. blood

C. weight

D. strength

Select your answer:


Antibiotic in Orthopaedics Contemporary Nutrition Issues Nutrition Who am Eye? Regulation of Urine Formation Food Microbiology Tenses Micro Immunology Muscular Essential Nutrients Muscles Human Eye Mouth - Stomach Diseases of The Digestive System How the Eyes work

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Transportation and Excretion › View

Small openings called ______ are found on the underside of leaves and allow gases to enter or leave the plant cells.

A. Phloem

B. Chloroplasts

C. Xylem

D. Stomata

Prokaryotic Cells and Viruses › View

Which type of cell is bigger?
A. Prokaryotic
B. Eukaryotic