Medical Quiz

Who am Eye? Quiz


There are approximately 10,000 of me found on the major sense organ

A. Tastebud

B. Papille

C. Gustatory hairs

D. Taste pore

I am friends with transduction and am responsible for sending the correct energy along the Optic Nerve

A. Reception

B. Selection

C. Perception

D. Transmission

I am the assumption that if something looks tasty, it probably is

A. Perception

B. Taste

C. Appearance

D. Sensation

I am one of the most well known Visual Perception Principles. I include four major ideas including figure-ground and similarity

A. Sensory principals

B. Getsalt principals

C. Gestalt principles

D. Sensation principles

I am the relevant cortexes of the brain that interpret Visual and Gustatory stimulus

A. Sensory organs

B. Eye and tongue

C. Visual and Gustatory Cortex

D. Cerebellum

I am really useful in bright light, especially if you detect fine detail and colour

A. Rods

B. Monocular

C. Cones

D. Iris

I carry information from the eye and to the brain so that the information can be interpreted

A. Optic nerve

B. Neuron

C. Gustatory cortex

D. Cerebrum

I am the name for specialised neurons found in the retina that detect and respond to light

A. Thermoreceptor

B. Photoreceptor

C. Chemoreceptor

D. Merchanoreceptor

I am the name of the process by which ‘light’ energy becomes electromagnetic energy. I am important because otherwise, the information received by the eye could not travel down the Optic Nerve.

A. Transduction

B. Transmission

C. Reception

D. Perception

I am the minimum amount of physical energy needed to detect the presence of a stimulus, in ideal conditions, 50% of the time

A. Receptive field

B. Receptive range

C. Absolute threshold

D. Receptive strength

I am the first stage of the process of Sensation

A. Transduction

B. Sensation

C. Selection

D. Reception

I play a major role in focusing light onto the retina

A. Iris

B. Lens

C. Optic nerve

D. Pupil

I am not one of the five senses that humans possess

A. Touch

B. Smell

C. Taste

D. Thought

I am the major sense organ involved in taste perception

A. Tounge

B. Tastebuds

C. Papillea

D. Taste pore

Light initially enters the eye through me

A. Retina

B. Iris

C. Pupil

D. Cornea


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