Medical Quiz

Health Quiz

It is the gradual breakdown of the teeth caused by plaque.

A. Tooth decay

B. Periodontitis

C. Malocclusion

D. Gingivitis

Select your answer:


Mnt For Pulmonary Disease and Adverse Reactions to Food Blood clotting Cardiovascular Physiology - Function PHYSIOLOGY OF KIDNEY The Energy Nutrients Circulatory and Nervous System EM Spectrum Your Body Hygiene and Nutrition CNA Introduction Physiology Pathology T Cells Skeletal Muscle Anatomy Genetics: Viruses and Bacteria The Inflammatory Response

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The relationship between organisms for transferring nutrients is called a _____.

A. food chain

B. food web

C. food link

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It is a smallest type of pathogen.

A. virus

B. bacteria

C. fungi

D. parasites