Medical Quiz

Biology Quiz

Cells make
A.     tissues.
B.     organs.
C.     systems.
D.     organelles.

Select your answer:


Anatomy & Physiology Diabetes Communicable Disease How the Eyes work Digestive System Genetics Vocabulary Bones and Muscles Cell Theory Transport System Myocarditis Macromolecules History of Immunology Dyslexia Unintentional Injuries Vision (AP Psych)

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Nutrition & Wellness › View

What are the 5 food groups according to the MyPlate method?

A. Protein, Carbohydrates, Vitamins, Minerals, Water

B. Protein, Fruits, Vegetables, Grains, Dairy

C. Protein, Fruits, Vegetables, Carbohydrates, Dairy

Erythrocyte Disorders › View

If there is a massive bleeding from a wound that may lose a lot of blood it may result in what type of anemia?

A. Pernicious anemia

B. Polycythemia

C. Acute Hemorrhagic anemia

D. anemia