Medical Quiz

Diseases Quiz


Coughing, sneezing, and runny nose are all _______________ of the common cold.

A. Access point

B. Organism

C. Symptoms

STI’s are what kind of disease?

A. Non-Communicable

B. Communicable

C. Both

D. Neither

You can get ringworm of the skin by sharing contaminated towels, clothing, and sports equipment, and by direct contact with an infected person. Ringworm is what type of disease?

A. virus

B. bacteria

C. fungus

D. parasite

Which of these diseases cannot be prevented through vaccination

A. Mumps

B. Common cold

C. Measles

True or False: Some vIruses and bacteria that live in food, water, and soil can cause disease.



What type of pathogen is most likely found in warm, moist environments?

A. virus

B. bacteria

C. fungi

D. protist

Is a single celled microbe that causes diseases such as strep throat, meningitis, TB, cholera and staph infection. Can multiple quickly in the body. There are good and bad types of these in the body.

A. Bacteria

B. Virus

C. Parasite

D. Fungi

Which of the following is an example of direct contact with an infected person

A. Shaking hands

B. Sneezing

The system in our body helps to fight disease is called

A. Respiratory

B. Immune

C. Digestive

Athlete’s foot is which type?

A. Virus

B. Bacteria

C. Fungi

D. Protist

Which of the following is not caused by a virus?

A. Common Cold

B. Norovirus

C. Strep Throat



A. Protozoa

B. Fungus

C. Virus

Disease that can be passed to a person from another person, animal or object is called

A. Non-communicable disease

B. Communicable Disease

C. Pathogens

For a burn, it´s a good idea to________

A. See the dentist

B. Take some vitamin C.

C. Put some ointment on it

D. Chop up some garlic and cook it.

Organisms that cause disease are called

A. Pathogens

B. Host

C. Phagocyte

D. Flagellum

Which disease can be caused by UV rays from the sun and tanning beds?

A. Diabetes

B. Skin Cancer


D. Parkinson’s disease

Which of the following is trait that a virus shares with a living organism?

A. They use oxygen

B. They have genetic material

C. They grow

D. They digest food

Which system works with the circulatory system to make sure all of your cells get nutrients?

A. Respiratory

B. Digestive

C. Nervous

D. Excretory

Which disease is caused by your pancreas not producing enough insulin?

A. Parkinson’s disease

B. Asthma

C. Diabetes

D. Skin Cancer

Which disease is caused by a virus and causes muscle aches and a high fever?

A. Influenza

B. Cold

C. Strep Throat

D. Athletes foot

This mineral makes hemoglobin and myglobin which you must have for blood production.  If you don’t have enough you may become anemic

A. iron

B. calcium

C. zinc

D. a


A. use a host to reproduce

B. breath oxygen

C. grow

D. eat food

True or False: Some viruses and bacteria that live in food, water, and soil can cause disease.



Disease-causing microorganism, such as a bacterium or fungus.

A. antigen

B. prion

C. pathogen

D. allergen

People can suffer from __________________ if they do not eat sufficient food.

A. essential nutrition

B. balanced diet

C. obesity

D. marasmus


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