Medical Quiz

Medical Terminology Quiz

What type of infection is acquired while a patient is in the hospital?

A. Pathogenic infection

B. Sinus jnfection

C. Nosocomial infection


Select your answer:


Branches of Medicine Proteins Hematology Skin Science Reproduction Patho_Genetics Systematic Bacteriology DNA, RNA, Proteins Anatomy and Physiology- Cardiovascular Sysytem Pathogens, Disease and Immunity Therapeutic Services Roots Eyes Circulatory & Respiratory System Histology Central and Peripheral Nervous System

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What do CD8+ cells do?

A. migrate to the site of infection and target cells infected with intracellular organisms

B. coordinate immune responses to specific threats

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_______ tissue carries messages from the brain to the spinal column.

A. Nervous

B. Epithelial

C. Muscle

D. Connective