Select your answer:
Muscular DNA Muscles and Movements Disability Etiquette & Physical Activities Muscularskeletal System Renal, Cancer, HIV Nail Enhancement Types of Immunity Human Body and Pathogens Organic Compounds, Minerals and Enzymes Parkinson Disease Nutrition and Biochemistry Vocabulary Pediatrics EMS Systems Basic Structure of the Human BodyOther quiz:
Upper Limb › ViewWhich specific anatomy is better visualized with a fan lateral as compared with the other lateral projections of the hand?
A. Metacarpals 4 and 5!
B. Phalanges
C. Tarsals
D. Carpals
Fats and Coronary Heart Disease › View
Which of the following is not an example of unsaturated fats?
A. olive oil
B. peanut oil
C. palm oil
D. soya bean oil