Medical Quiz

Schizophrenia Quiz

The general risk of developing schizophrenia is 1% but Gottesman found:

A. A 48% concordance rates between identical (MZ) twins

B. A 100% concordance rates between identical (MZ) twins

C. A 48% concordance rates between non-identical twins

D. A 10% concordance rates between identical (MZ) twins

Select your answer:


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The two main minerals that make up bone are…

A. Wood and Fabric

B. Aluminum and Steel

C. Calcium and Phosphorus

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An example of a droplet transmission by disease is by

A. coughing, sneezing, or talking

B. germs carried through the ventilation system

C. microbes carried by moisture and dust in the air

D. inhaling the odor of unpleasant excretions