Medical Quiz

Oxygenation Quiz

Which of the following can administer 100% oxygen to the patient?

A. Hyperbaric chamber

B. Venturi mask

C. Non-rebreather mask

D. Ambubag

Select your answer:


Neurons Bone Monoclonal Antibodies Skeleton and Muscles Bone Physiology Beneath the Skin Muscular System NCHSE Components of Physical Fitness Skin Diseases Thyroid Gland Brain and Nervous System BMI (Body Mass Index) Physiothearpy in Neurology Haematology Biomedical

Other quiz:

Neurological Concepts › View

what is the process of the corticospinal tract

A. to carry unconscious /voluntary motor information from the pre-central gyrus up to, but not including the ventral horn . The track then synapses onto motor spinal nerves that innovate skeletal muscles

B. to descend from corticospinal track and project onto certain cranial nerve nuclei that have motor components. This track controls cranial nerves and lower motor neurons

C. proprioceptors that are located in the skeletal muscles that provide a constant flow of information on the muscles

Nervous System › View

If I step on a nail…what type of neuron take that signal TO the CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM?

A. cerebrum

B. motor

C. sensory

D. cerebellum