Medical Quiz

Vital Signs Quiz

Respiration means _________________?

A. one expiration

B. one inspiration

C. one inspiration and expiration

D. hold breath

Select your answer:


HHB Immunology Human Eye and Colourful World Central Nervous System 3M Micropara Chemistry Types of Immunity Male Reproductive System Chest, Back, Abs Emergency Medicine Diseases & Disorders Eye and Ear Regulation of Urine Formation Mitosis for Mya Cardiac & Diseases of Blood Flow Nail Disorders and Diseases

Other quiz:

DNA and RNA Structures › View

What is the difference between DNA and RNA

A. DNA has uracil and RNA has thymine

B. DNA is involved in transcription and RNA is involved in translation

C. DNA contains thymine and RNA contains uracil

D. DNA is made of nucleotides and RNA is not

Food Microbiology › View

Which food will spoil the slowest

A. dried beans

B. milk

C. butter

D. eggs