Medical Quiz

Principle of Health Science Quiz

When studying in Alexandria, how did Galen discover more details of anatomy?

A. Entered tombs and looked at bodies.

B. Doctor to Gladiators

C. Doctor to Emperor

D. Made Mummies

Select your answer:


Tenses Pathology - Cellular Injury Immunology and Serology Bariatric Surgery and Diabetes Nutrition In Animal Alzheimer Disease and Dementia Muscle pathophysiology Healthcare Systems and Insurance Skin Structure and Growth Unintentional Injuries Protein and Amino Acid Metabolism Oncology Gene Cloning Nail Diseases and Disorders Teeth and Microbes

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A cell needs to intake substances to maintain function. This commonly known as endocytosis. There are three types of endocytosis, what are they?

A. mediated endocytosis, osmosis, and pinocytosis.

B. mediated endocytosis, phagocytosis, and potassium pump

C. phagocytosis, pinocytosis, and mediated endocytosis

D. pinocytosis, mediated endocytosis, and protein synthesis