★ Vital Signs Quiz
Identify the pulse points at letter e
A. temporal
B. radial
C. brachial
D. popliteal
Select your answer:
Circulatory System and Nutrition Careers in Health Care Medication Administration Specialties: Neurological and Geriatric Physical Activity Immunology Physio Intro Practice Conjunctivita Respiratory System Med Term Properties of Hair and Scalp Sports Medicine Year 7 Nutrition Emergency Medicine History of Healthcare DermatosisOther quiz:
Skeletal System › ViewThis is a picture of what? (choose the answer that is most complete)
A. robot
B. skeleton
C. ulna
D. vertebrate
Muscles and Movements › View
Movement of hand/foot so that the thumb/big toe moves away from the midline
A. inversion
B. eversion
C. adduction
D. abduction