Medical Quiz

Fluid and Electrolytes Quiz

What is the last to drop in a child with dehydration?

A. Wt. loss



D. Cap. refill

Select your answer:


Microbial Growth & Nutrition Digestive System Regulation of Heart Rate Non-Communicable Disease Balanced Diet Knee Anatomy Somatotypes Cell Reproduction Germs Circulation of Blood Health Care Musculoskeletal/Endocrine Systems Functional Neuroanatomy of the CNS Multicellular Organisms: Organisation Essential Nutrients

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Phlebotomy › View

Why is it important to mix anticoagulated blood tubes immediately after collection?

A. To prevent the blood from clotting

B. To ensure the anticoagulant is evenly distributed throughout the sample

C. To cool down the sample to room temperature

D. To separate the plasma from the cells

Hele Skeletal System › View

Where are new blood cells produced?

A. In the heart

B. Spongy Bone

C. Compact Bone

D. Bone Marrow