Medical Quiz

Cell Reproduction Quiz


occurs when a second organism develops from an outgrowth of the original.

A. Vegetative propagation

B. Budding

C. Fragmentation

D. Binary Fission

How many divisions are in meiosis?

A. 46

B. 23

C. 2

D. 4

a piece of an organism develops into a fully grown copy.

A. vegetative propagation

B. budding

C. fragmentation

D. binary fission

How many chromosomes do the daughter cells have in meiosis?

A. 23

B. 46

C. 2

D. 4

The end result of mitosis is

A. 4 Identical Cells are produced

B. 4 genetically different cells are produced

C. 2 identical cells are produced

D. 2 genetically different cells are produced

Combining of egg and sperm

A. Asexual Reproduction

B. Sexual Reproduction

C. Diverse

D. Uniform

Before cells can divide, what must be copied?

A. mitochondria

B. cytoplasm


D. Cell Wall

How many chromosomes do the daughter cells have in mitosis?

A. 23

B. 46

C. 2

D. 4

If an organism reproduces asexually, its offspring will most likely be…

A. genetically identical to the parent

B. genetically different from each other

C. produced from specialized cells known as gametes

D. A mutant

Where does a cell contain it’s genetic material?

A. nucleus

B. nucleolus

C. cytoskeleton

D. golgi

A type of cell division where the cell divides into two copies

A. Vegetative propagation

B. Budding

C. Fragmentation

D. Binary Fission

Why do cells go through mitosis?

A. to make food from sunlight

B. to create proteins

C. to get air into the cells

D. to reproduce, grow and repair/replace

Timmy fell off his skateboard and scraped his knee. Which cell process is going to be used to heal the wound?

A. Mitosis

B. Meiosis

C. The wound would not heal

D. Cell diffusion

Involves only one parent

A. Asexual Reproduction

B. Sexual Reproduction

C. Diverse

D. Uniform


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