Medical Quiz

Environment Quiz

Which of the following relationships identifies a situation in which two species share a requirement for a limited resource thus reducing the fitness of one or both species? A

A. Parasitism

B. Competition

C. Decomposition

D. Mutualism

Select your answer:


First Aid Check up Health and Diseases Vocabulary for Organisms in Ecosystems Oral Surgery Nutrition & Wellness Health - Nutrition Cholera Muscular System NCHSE Pulmonology/Respiratory Genes, Chromosomes and Genome Microbes and Infectious Disease Heredity and Living Cells Circulatory System and Nutrition Axial & Appendicular Skeleton Neurological Concepts

Other quiz:

Biology › View

the cells in plant leaf are impermeable , due to the presence of …….. substance.

A. cutin

B. cellulose

C. lignin

D. suberin

Pathophysiology › View

A collection of signs and symptoms that usually occur together in response to a certain condition is referred to as a:

A. Illness

B. Symptomatic

C. Syndrome

D. Pathogen