★ Environment Quiz
Rhizohium culture is used to increase biological nitrogen fixation in….
A. Cereals crops
B. Pulse crops
C. Cotton
D. Oilseeds
Select your answer:
Microorganism - Diseases Pulse Urinary System Medical Terms Tutor Oral Biology Cell Vocabulary Regulating the Cell Cycle What is Psychology? Life Processes - Digestion and Respiration ICU Properties of The Hair and Scalp Reproduction in Human Beings Diseases Communicable or non Communicable Respiratory System Med Term DNA and Genetic Manipulation BiocompositeOther quiz:
The Cell Cycle & Cancer › ViewSpread of disease from one organ to another.
A. Cancer
B. Malignant
C. Metastasize
D. Benign
Hematology › View
When a blood vessel is injured, platelets release____________ which causes vasoconstriction
A. Heparin
B. Histamine
C. Thromboplastin
D. Prothrombin