★ Health Unit Coordinating Quiz
The HUC position was created during World War II because:
A. nurses went on strike to protest the war.
B. many were out of work, and creating this position provided jobs.
C. a critical shortage of nurses occurred.
D. patients required more care.
Select your answer:
Monoclonal Antibodies EKG Medical Term DNA, RNA, Proteins Stroke Human Body Systems Food and Health & Bones and Muscles Transportation in Organisms Disability Etiquette & Physical Activities Cell Structure and Function Concept The Teeth Parts of Human Body Diagnostics and Pathology Reports Muscoskeletal Injuries Respiratory System DNA Structure and FunctionOther quiz:
Pulmonary System › Viewantitussive
A. medication suspended in a mist so that it may be inhaled
B. medication that causes the bronchi to dilate
C. inhaling fluid or foreign object into airways
D. acute respiratory failure in adults characterized by tachypnea, dyspnea, cyanosis, tachycardia, and hypoxia
Diseases Key Terms › View
A disease spread by contact
A. communicable disease
B. non communicable disease
C. contagious disease
D. endemic