Medical Quiz

Nursing Vocabulary Quiz

If I have hypertension, I have this..

A. high cholesterol

B. high blood pressure

C. low blood pressure

D. itchy skin

Select your answer:


Bone Development and Remodeling Circulatory, Artery, Vein - basics Environment Life Cycle - Bee Body System Interactions Stem Cells & Cell Differentiation Microorganisms, Health and Diseases Cell Transport Chemistry Mutation & Genetic Engineering Muscle Histology Neurobiology Multicellular Organisms: Organisation Cell Theory and Cellular Structure Cardiovascular and Respiratory

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Excretion › View

The region of the brain that detect the change in concentration of the blood

A. Hypothalamus

B. Pituitary gland

C. Optic nerve

Malaria › View

The WHO has been certifying countries to be malaria-free since 1955. Which of the following has NOT yet been certified?

A. Cuba

B. El Salvador

C. Sri Lanka

D. Philippines