Medical Quiz

Bone Development and Remodeling Quiz


Cartilage-forming cells in the surrounding perichondrium secrete new matrix against the external face of the existing cartilage tissue.

A. secondary ossification

B. oppositional growth

C. bone resorption

D. appositional growth

The cells responsible for the early stages of endochondral ossification.

A. chondrocytes

B. osteoblasts

C. osteoclasts

D. mesenchymal cells

During infancy and childhood, the single most important stimulus of epiphyseal plate activity is……

A. calcitonin

B. parathyroid hormone

C. alkaline phosphatase

D. growth hormone

A disc of hyaline cartilage that grows during childhood to lengthen the bone.

A. epiphyseal plate

B. epiphyseal line

C. meniscus

D. articular cartilage

A disorder characterized by excessive bone breakdown and abnormal bone formation.

A. Osteomalacia

B. Paget’s disease

C. Osteoporosis

D. Piaget’s disease

The process of bone formation also called ossification.

A. osteomalacia

B. osteogenesis

C. osteoperosis

D. osteon

The lacunae-bound chondrocytes divide and secrete new matrix, expanding the cartilage from within.

A. appositional growth

B. oppositional growth

C. interstitial growth

D. fibrocartilage

Results in the formation of cranial bones of the skull and clavicles. All bones formed by this process are flat bones.

A. cavitation

B. endochondral ossification

C. intramembranous ossification

D. appositional growth

Essentially all bones of the skeleton below the base of the skull are formed this way. This process uses hyaline cartilage “bones” formed earlier as models for bone construction.

A. longitudinal bone growth

B. endochondral ossification

C. intramembranous ossification

D. bone remodeling


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