Medical Quiz

Life Cycle - Bee Quiz


Honeybees are ….

A. robots

B. mammals

C. insects

D. friendly

Who feeds the larva?

A. the queen bee

B. the worker bees

C. the drones

The queen bee in a hive is the only female who lays __________.

A. eggs

B. nectar

C. larva

D. bees

The queen has only one responsibility:

A. eating larva

B. collect nectar

C. laying eggs

D. produce honey

What color stripes do Honey Bees have?

A. black and gray

B. black and white

C. black and yellow

The bee is the only insect that can __________________.

A. live in different ecosystems

B. live on the North and South pole

C. provide food and medicine

D. sting predators

The queen bee in a hive is the only female who lays __________.

A. eggs

B. nectar

C. larva

D. bees

In the hive, bees live like a ______.

A. insect

B. honey

C. family

How many queen bees are in each hive?

A. 20

B. 10

C. 5

D. 1

This comes out of the egg.

A. the adult

B. the larva

C. another egg

What are the 3 types of bees?

A. drone, worker and king

B. worker, queen and sister

C. drone, queen and brother

D. queen, worker and drone

The eggs look…

A. fat and red

B. long and white

C. black and white

All Drones are Male?

A. Sometimes

B. Yes and no

C. Yes

D. no

What does the queen eat?

A. nectar

B. pollen

C. royal jelly

D. honey

A hive has the queen the drones and…

A. the black bees

B. the worker bees

C. the sleeping bees

Which honeybee is male and fertilized the eggs?

A. queen

B. wasp

C. drone

D. worker

After the pupa stage is…

A. the larva stage

B. the adult bee

Where can we find the bee hive?

A. We can find the bee hive by the flowers in the garden.

B. We can find the bee hive by our school.

C. We can find the bee hive hidden in a big tree.


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