★ Vital Signs Quiz
A patient with tachycardia MOST likely has a/an:
A. Elevated temperature
B. Elevated blood pressure
C. Fast pulse
D. Increased respiratory rate
Select your answer:
A Treat For Mosquitoes Shelter Medicine ESR (RBC sed rate) Diagnostic Tools Vascular Sense of Sight Homeostasis, Nutrition, Digestion & Absorption Skeletal System Renal, Cancer, HIV Environmental Biotechnology Cardiovascular Med Terms Urinary System The Energy Nutrients Pathogens Antimicrobial PharmacologyOther quiz:
Auditory and Vestibular Neurology › Viewthree half-moon tubes oriented in the three primary planes (anterior, posterior, lateral)
A. semicircular canals
B. ampulla
C. utricle
D. saccule
Health › View
the movement of water, digested food and other dissolved substances into the bloodstream
A. absorption
B. pancreas
C. liver