Medical Quiz

Circulatory & Respiratory Quiz


What causes the semilunar valves to open?

A. contraction of the ventricles

B. contraction of the atria

C. stimulation of the SA node

D. backflow of blood in the aorta and pulmonary artery during diastole

E. contraction of the cardiac muscle that makes up the valves

a flap of tissue that closes when we eat so food doesn’t not go down the trachea
A. larynx
B. pharynx
C. trachea
D. epiglottis

The heart has ___ chambers.
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

What do Red-Blood cells do?
A. Carry oxygen from the lungs to the body cells and transport carbon dioxide from the cells back to the lungs
B. keeps blood flowing in one direction to the heart and prevent blood from flowing backwards
C. Collects blood from the capillaries and drain it into the veins
D. Bring nutriients to the cells and carries away waste materials.

Name part N.
A.     Right atrium
B.     left atrium
C.     right ventricle
D.     left ventricle


the tubes that go from the trachea into the lungs
A. alveoli
B. diaphragm
C. epiglottis
D. bronchial tubes

Which of the following is required from a terrestrial mammals respiratory system?

A. thin permeable membrane

B. large surface area

C. moist membranes for gas exchange

D. good supply of blood

E. all of these

What is breathed out from our mouth and nose?
A. carbon dioxide
B. oxygen
C. nitrogen
D. helium

Which of the following transport oxygen in humans

A. hemoglobin

B. melanin

C. keratin

D. urea

E. bicarbonate ions

Inhaled air passes through which of the following structures last?

A. bronchus

B. trachea

C. pharynx

D. bronchiole

E. larynx

The voice box is also known as the

A. pharynx

B. larynx

C. epiglottis

D. trachea

E. glottis

Mammals have a _____________ chambered heart. The top two chambers are called ________________.

A. 3; atria

B. 4; atria

C. 4; ventricles

D. 3; ventricles

E. none of these

a chamber behind the nose and mouth that leads to the trachea
A. pharynx
B. trachea
C. epiglottis
D. larynx

Which of the following occurs during diastole?

A. The atria fill with blood

B. Blood flows into the ventricles

C. The elastic recoil of the arteries maintains blood pressure

D. The semilunar valves are closed but the AV valves are open

E. All of these things occur

A heart attack will result from the lack of nutrients and oxygen of the heart muscles due to blockage by atherosclerosis of the

A. pulmonary arteries

B. coronary arteries

C. carotid arteries

D. vena cava

E. septum

Two thin membranes surround the lungs. What are these membranes called?

A. pericardial membranes

B. pleural membranes

C. meninges

D. cilia

E. capsules

a dome shaped sheet of muscle, the _________, separates the chest from the abdomen
A. diaphragm
B. epiglottis
C. alveoli
D. bronchial tubes

Type of device that measures the electrical currents created by the SA and AV nodes?
A.     AED
B.     MRI
C.     ECG
D.     CAT Scan

How is carbon dioxide transported in the blood?

A. Dissolved in Plasma

B. Bound to Platelets

C. Hemoglobin in Red Blood Cells

D. Hemoglobin in White Blood Cells

Two muscular structures control air pressure inside the lungs. Changes in air pressure cause air to move into and out of the lungs. Inhalation is the result of

A. contraction of the diaphragm and pleural membranes

B. contraction of the diaphragm and intercostal muscles

C. relaxation of the diaphragm and intercostal muscles

D. relaxation of the diaphragm and intercostal muscles

E. none of these

Which of the following is a correct match?

A. superior vena cava; oxygenated blood

B. pulmonary vein; oxygenated blood

C. pulmonary artery; oxygenated blood

D. inferior vena cava; oxygenated blood

E. aorta; deoxygenated blood

Blood is a type of

A. connective tissue

B. epithelial tissue

C. vascular tissue

D. muscular tissue

E. soft tissue

a process that allows the body to get oxygen to burn food for energy and gets rid of carbon dioxide
A. respiration
B. emphysema
C. inhaling
D. nasal passage

After air moves through the pharynx it continues downward. The _____, or windpipe, directs the air into 2 separate branches or tubes.
A. mucus
B. trachea
C. larynx
D. epiglottis


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