★ Nail Quiz
Humans have nails to:
A. protect our fingers and toes
B. use as tools
C. we don’t really know
Select your answer:
Disease and Conditions Skeletal System Life Processes - Digestion and Respiration Cell Cycle; Cancer Eye or Nose Injuries Division of Microbiology Personal Growth Plan Receptors Cariology Facial & Dental Injuries DNA and RNA Structures Ortho Infectious Disease Medical Suffixes Mental Health Living Organisms Nerve Injuries in Oral & Maxillofacial SurgeryOther quiz:
Biomedical › ViewElectrodynamic vibration transducers are based on _____________
A. a) Magnetostriction
B. b) Electromagnetic induction
C. c) Self inductance
D. d) None of the mentioned
Disorders of The Joints › View
What are the major components of cartilage?
A. Glycosaminoglycan-rich proteoglycans
B. Elastin
C. Collagen fibers