Medical Quiz

Oxygenation Quiz

Nurse Fin is taking care of a patient who has circulatory hypoxia. Which of the following nursing intervention will best help the patient?

A. Providing O2 inhalation

B. Place the patient in modified trendelenburg position

C. Provide the patient with Iron supplements

D. Place the patient in High fowlers position

Select your answer:


Infection Detection DNA and Polypeptide Synthesis Year 7 Nutrition Skin Structure and Growth Heart and Blood Vessels Anxiety Disorders Vision Cardiovascular System Wellness Vocabulary Circulatory & Respiratory Homeotic Genes and Cancer History of Medicine Molecular Genetics Cell Cycle Problems Bone, Spine, and Joint Pathology

Other quiz:

Microbiology › View

The _____ system of blood proteins act to lyse foreign cells and viruses.

A. Cell-mediated

B. humoral immunity

C. lymphoid

D. complement

Enzymes and Metabolic Pathways › View

Which environmental factor can alter the shape of the active site and lead to enzyme denaturation?

A. High temperature

B. Low temperature

C. High pH

D. Low pH