Medical Quiz

Fluid and Electrolytes Quiz

An child needs to be given LR 20mL/kg/24hr bolus STAT due to severe dehydration. The patient weighs 14 kg. How much do we give in ml/hr? (Round to whole number)

A. 11 mL/hr

B. 12 mL/hr

C. 12 L/hr

D. 11 L/hr

Select your answer:


Psychology, Psychiatry or Social Work Haematology Medical Microbiology Adaptive Immune System Forensic Pathology Renal System - Pharmacology Cell EMR - Trauma Trauma Characteristics of Life & Viruses Renal Pharmacology Physio Intro Practice Immunity Skeletal System Histology, Bone Repair Joints Name that Pathogen

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drops of urine drip from here

A. Renal Papilla

B. Calyx

C. Renal Pelvis

D. Nephron

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Thyroxine and triiodothyronine help in

A. maintaining calcium level

B. metabolism

C. reproductive cycle

D. blood pressure