Medical Quiz

Diabetes Quiz

Cellular respiration occurs in the _________ of our cells.

A. nucleus

B. cell membrane

C. ribosomes

D. mitochondria

Select your answer:


Human Genetics Muscle Anatomy Principle of Health Science Infectious Diseases & the WHO Renal & Neural HNBS Intern Diseases of The Digestive System Muscle Histology Maximal Oxygen Consumption (VO2 Max) Vision and Light Limitation of Senses Vascular Pathophysiology - Inflammation Macronutrients & Micronutrients Dermatosis

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Circulatory, Artery, Vein - basics › View

delivers “cleaned” blood from the liver to the heart

A. hepatic portal vein

B. renal vein

C. aorta

D. vena cava

Mitosis for Mya › View

In what phase of mitosis do pairs of chromatids become attached to the fibers of a spindle?

A. Prophase

B. Telophase

C. Metaphase

D. Anaphase