Medical Quiz

Diabetes Quiz


Do you get diabetes from eating too much candy?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Maybe

D. I don’t know

The _________ plays an important role in our body’s use of glucose.

A. liver

B. kidneys

C. pancreas

People with diabetes can eat as many fruits as they want.



What is high blood pressure called?

A. Hyperglycemia

B. Hypoglycemia

After our immediate energy needs are met, insulin levels drop and excess glucose is stored in the liver.

A. T

B. F

What might happen if your body couldn’t process glucose?

A. You wouldn’t be able to digest food

B. You wouldn’t have the energy to function

C. You would become more likely to catch diseases

D. You would constantly be thirsty for water

The pancreas secretes both hormones, glycogen and insulin.

A. T

B. F

ou can prevent (stop) type 2 diabetes.



Cells generate energy using a series of chemical reactions, known as

A. metabolic breakdown

B. glucose adaptation

C. cellular respiration

D. macromolecule dissemination

Having diabetes means you’re more likely to have high blood pressure.



This stimulates the cells to convert glucose into energy. This supports your activity level and reduces the amount of glucose in your body.

A. weight loss

B. eating a diet low in carbohydrates

C. increased exercise activity

Between meals, when blood glucose levels drop, another pancreatic hormone, __________ stimulates the liver to release stored glucose

A. glycogen

B. glycemia

C. glucose

D. glucagon

Causes the system to stop doing the original action and to either take no action or to perform an opposite action

A. positive feedback loop

B. negative feedback loop

This limits the amount of glucose entering the bloodstream.

A. Increasing amounts of exercise.

B. losing weight

C. eating a diet low in carbohydrates

What is diabetes?

A. When there is not enough sugar in the blood.

B. When you always have a fever.

C. When there is too much sugar in the blood.

D. When you need more sleep.

______ is the energy compound that powers all of our activities.

A. oxygen


C. cellular respiration

It is the contraction of the bronchi of the lungs which cause difficulty in breathing.

A. Lung Cancer

B. Asthma

C. Bronchitis

Insulin inhibits the release of what

A. Glucagon


C. Beta cells

D. Somatostatin

Excess glucose is stored in lipids. This reduces the amount of glucose in your body.

A. eating a diet low in carbohydrates

B. losing weight

C. increased exercise activity

When blood sugar levels are higher than normal, but not yet too high to cause disease, this results in the diagnosis of prediabetes.

A. T

B. F

This is the name of the simple sugar that is found in your blood?

A. water

B. glucose

C. sodium

D. sugar

A form of diabetes that usually develops during childhood or adolescence.

__________ is characterized by a severe deficiency of insulin, leading to high blood glucose levels.
A. Type 1 diabetes

B. Type 2 diabetes

This infection results in the inflammation of the lungs, particularly its air sacs called alveoli.

A. Pneumonia

B. Stroke

C. Tuberculosis

High blood glucose level is known as __________ and can cause health problems, such as stroke, heart disease kidney disease, and vision loss.

A. hypoglycemia

B. hyperglycemia

Which of the following are symptoms of diabetes?

A. blurred vision

B. fatigue

C. dizziness

D. all of these are symptoms.


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