Medical Quiz

Vital Signs Quiz

A slow heart rate of less than a 60 bpm

A. tachycardia

B. bradcardia

C. tachypnea

D. bradypnea

Select your answer:


Heart Anatomy Teeths Cell and Muscle Histology Vaccines Biotherapeutics & Cellular Meat Cardiovascular Diseases Effects of Exercise on the Musculoskeletal System Mutations, Replication, and Cancer Parkinson Disease Macromolecules Sensory Disorder CPR Blood types and Blood Components The Brain Our Control Center Pancreas Urinary

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Following are the causes that weaken the immune system except

A. Stress

B. Exposure to polluted air

C. Exposure to pesticides

D. Healthy diet

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What physical feature of large systemic arteries (resistance vessels) makes them relatively more responsive to changes in intracellular calcium concentrations?

A. Thick tunica media

B. Absent tunica media

C. Thick tunica intima

D. Absent tunica intima