Medical Quiz

Medicine on the Western Front Quiz


What did the FANY provide?

A. surgery assistance

B. support for medical services

C. stretcher bearers

D. domestic duties

Who was responsible for medical care in the army?





Credited with discovering the first X-Rays.
A. William Harvey
B. Wilhem Roentgen
C. Christian Banard
D. Ben Carson

In 1915, Richard Leisohn discovered that by adding what to blood, the need for donor to donor transfusion was removed?

A. Sodium Nitrate

B. Sodium Citrate

C. Sodium Chloride

D. Sodium Concentrate

What is aseptic surgery?

A. way to stop infections spreading

B. way to get rid of infections

C. prevent gems getting into the body

D. prevent germs inside the body

What happens to blood as soon as it leaves the body?

A. it dies

B. it decays

C. it clots

D. it thins

The likelihood of death from severe shrapnel or gunshot wounds in 1915 was 20%. Due to the Thomas Splint, what did the survival rate increase to?
A. 72%
B. 82%
C. 92%
D. 95%

What happened in the Casualty Clearing Stations?
A. most of the operations
B. immediate first aid and get men back fighting
C. dealt with more serious injuries close to the front line
D. continued treatment or sent soldiers home

What was used for the first time at the Second Battle of Ypres?

A. mines

B. tanks

C. gas

D. ambulances

What happened in triage?

A. washing of soldiers in big baths

B. wounded soldiers divided into two groups

C. wounded soldiers divided into three groups

D. way to delouse soldiers

What was the main use of x rays at the start of the war?
A. identify fragments inside the body to be removed by surgery
B. identify fragments inside the body to be kept in the body
C. to see where infection may start
D. as Marie Curie wanted to be famous

What was a Base Hospital?
A. continued treatment or sent soldiers home
B. most of the operations
C. immediate first aid and get men back fighting
D. dealt with more serious injuries close to the front line

What was the name of the trench at the back of the system?

A. The Front-Line Trench

B. The Reserve Trench

C. The Trench Coat

D. The Support Trench

What was the problem with motorised ambulances?

A. there was not enough drivers

B. they needed petrol

C. they did not always work well in the conditions

D. they didn’t have enough mechanics

Name 3 types of gas used on the Western Front.

A. Neon, Hydrogen and Chlorine

B. Hydrogen, Mustard and Phosgene

C. Phosgene, Chlorine and Mustard

D. Mustard, Helium and Oxygen

What type of people made up the FANY?

A. paid women

B. male volunteers

C. female volunteers

D. people who refused to fight in the war

What other modes of transport were men moved away from the frontline by?
A. train, barge and ship
B. planes, trains, automobiles
C. walk, run, run really fast
D. ambulance, truck, backie

How many mobile x-ray units were in operation in the British sector?
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6

What was the name of the splint used for leg wounds?

A. Thomas splint

B. Terry splint

C. Tomas splint

D. Carrel-Dankin splint

Those working at the Dressing Stations belonged to a unit of the RAMC called the……?

A. Stationary Ambulance

B. Field Ambulance

C. Hospital Ambulance


In theory, how many men could a dressing station treat?
A. 100
B. 150
C. 200
D. 250

What was the aim of the Regimental Aid Post?

A. most of the operations

B. immediate first aid and get men back fighting

C. dealt with more serious injuries close to the front line

D. continued treatment or sent soldiers home

What happened at the Dressing Stations?
A. dealt with more serious injuries close to the front line
B. immediate first aid and get men back fighting
C. most of the operations
D. continued treatment or sent soldiers home

By 1918, how many soldiers had lost limbs?

A. 150,000

B. 500,000

C. 40,000

D. 240,000

What was trench foot?
A. swelling and gangrene
B. wrinkly toes
C. smelly socks
D. cheesy feet


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