Medical Quiz

Life Processes Quiz

Which organelle is responsible making food (Glucose) using sunlight?

A. Ribosomes

B. Nucleus

C. Chloroplast

D. Mitochondria

Select your answer:


Monoclonal Antibodies Beneath the Skin Blood Pressure Pulmonary System Physical fitness , Wellness and Lifestyle Pathophysiology_Endocrine EKG Medical Term Vessels DNA & Types of Reproduction Cell Vocabulary Immune Cells Faction Health and Social Care Infection Control Cosmetology Mechanical Digestion

Other quiz:

Consciousness and Sleep › View

Compared to NWC, a person in an ASC would be likely to have:

A. fewer content limitations; less self control

B. more content limitations; less self-control

C. fewer content limitations; accurate time orientation

D. more content limitations; accurate time orientation

First Aid Bleeding › View

You notice that blood has soaked through the dressing and bandage. You would do this first:

A. apply another dressing and bandage over the top of the first one

B. remove the bandage and dressing and start over