Medical Quiz

Biotechnology Quiz


What is the offspring of two different species or strains called?

A. Hybrid

B. Clone

C. Mutation

D. Phenotypes

Plant cells differ from animal cells in that

A. Plant cells have a cell wall and chloroplasts.

B. Plant cells have a nucleus and mitochondria.

C. Plant cells have a flagellum and cilia.

D. Plant cells have a cell membrane and lysosomes.

Based on these results whose blood was found in the blood stain at the crime scene?

A. Bob

B. Sue

C. John

D. Lisa

What is the main purpose of agricultural biotechnology?

A. To study the behavior of plants and animals

B. To alter living organisms to create new species

C. To alter living organisms to make or modify products

D. To alter living organisms to study their genetic makeup

Heat shock

A. Trap the plasmids inside the cell.

B. Enlarges the pores of the cell.

C. Provides for the death of the cell.

D. Increases the disintegration of the cell wall.

What are pest-resistant crops?

A. Plants with the ability to withstand, deter or repel salt

B. Plants with the ability to withstand, deter or repel drought

C. Plants with the ability to withstand, deter or repel diseases

D. Plants with the ability to withstand, deter or repel pests

Which of the following is NOT found in prokaryotes?

A. DNA or the genetic material

B. A cell membrane

C. A nucleus

D. Cytoplasm

What cuts the DNA prior to running gel electrophoresis?

A. DNA polymerase

B. Helicase

C. Ligase

D. Restriction enzyme

An enzyme that cut DNA molecules at a specific “recognition site” is called

A. Restriction enzyme

B. DNA polymerase

C. RNA polymerase

D. Taq polymerase

Which of the following is the site for protein synthesis?

A. Cell membrane

B. Nucleus

C. Ribosomes

D. Lysosomes

Which is the primary purpose of using restriction enzymes in gel electrophoresis?

A. It allows the strands of DNA to be cut into various lengths for testing

B. It restricts the number of base pairs that can be tested in a sample

C. It makes the testing simpler by moving the strands into the gel faster

D. It charges the DNA strands

Plants generate energy though

A. photosynthesis

B. digesting food

C. burning fossil fuels

D. using solar panels

Which of the following is the sac-like structure involved in secretion, plasma membrane repair, cell signaling, and energy metabolism?


B. Lysosome

C. Vacuole

D. Vesicle

What are restriction enzymes used for in genetic engineering?

A. To repair damaged DNA

B. To cut DNA at specific nucleotide sequences

C. To create new DNA sequences

D. To increase the size of DNA molecules

What is the function of a primer?

A. To identify the particular region of DNA to be copied by PCR.

B. To copy DNA.

C. To create DNA nucleotides.

D. To maintain the temperature of the PCR reaction.

The gel-like substance found in all cells is the___.

A. Centrioles

B. Cytoskeleton

C. Chromosomes

D. Cytoplasm

Which is the primary purpose of using restriction enzymes in gel electrophoresis?

A. It allows the strands of DNA to be cut into various lengths for testing

B. It restricts the number of base pairs that can be tested in a sample

C. It makes the testing simpler by moving the strands into the gel faster

D. It charges the DNA strands

What is the typical temperature range for the denaturation step in PCR?

A. 37-42°C

B. 50-60°C

C. 72-75°C

D. 90-95°C

LB containing ampicillin (2nd plate) is inoculated with the E. coli bacteria that contains ampicillin resistant gene. The bacteria will;

A. Grow on the agar plate

B. Will not grow on the agar plate.

C. will only grow after the plate has been incubated at 45C

D. will only grow after the plate has been placed in a warm water bath for 2 minutes.

What is biotechnology?

A. The study of rocks and minerals

B. The application of technology to living organisms

C. The study of outer space

D. The study of ancient civilizations

The main difference between Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes is

A. Presence of a cellular nucleus in Eukaryotes and absence of a nucleus in Prokaryotes

B. Prokaryotes are multicellular while Eukaryotes are unicellular

C. Prokaryotes reproduce sexually while Eukaryotes reproduce asexually.

D. Presence of a nucleus in Prokaryotes and absence of a nucleus in Eukaryotes

What is the purpose of restriction enzymes?

A. To join fragments of DNA

B. To cut DNA at specific recognition sites

C. To amplify DNA sequences

D. To separate DNA fragments according to size

Which of the following is an example of domestication?

A. Dogs being selectively breed for traits beneficial to humans for thousands of years.

B. Training a squirrel to navigate a maze using food as a reward.

C. Elephants being held in captivity in a zoo.

This is the practice of inserting the DNA of another species into an organism’s DNA so that the organism gains a new trait.

A. Cloning

B. Gel Electrophoresis

C. Genetic Engineering

D. DNA Fingerprinting

Bacteria are examples of

A. animals

B. fungi

C. prokaryotes

D. eukaryotes


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