Medical Quiz

Life Processes Quiz

Which best describes what a food chain shows you?
A. Energy flow through an ecosystem
B. Food flowing through an ecosystem
C. Consumers going into other consumers
D. Who eats who

Select your answer:


Chemistry Emergency Medicine Immune Response Trichology Obesity Life Cycle - Bee Cellular Components Pituitary, Thyroid and Adrenal Myocarditis Enzymes and Their Functions Kinetics Urinary Biopsychology - Neuroplasticity and Functional Recovery Body Degeneration Pathology

Other quiz:

Fats and Coronary Heart Disease › View

Which of the following does not explain the importance of having good fats in the diet?

A. Provides the body with a rich source of energy

B. Acts as an insulation by reducing heat loss from the body

C. Improves the body’s immune system

D. Protects vital organs by cushioning them against impact

Musculoskeletal System › View

A crustacean has which of the following structural systems?

A. Cartilaginous

B. Bone

C. Hydrostatic

D. Chitinous

E. None of these