Medical Quiz

STNA (State Tested Nursing Assistant) Quiz

When assessing Mrs. Jefferson’s pain level, she tells you that her pain is 8/10. What should the nurse aide do next?

A. Tell the nurse.

B. Give Mrs. Jefferson her prescribed pain medication.

C. Ask Mrs. Jefferson where is the location of the pain.

D. Ask Mrs. Jefferson why she is in pain.

Select your answer:


Health Issues Related to Digesting System and Eating Habits Pancreatitis Kidney - Loop of Henlé Bacteriology Skin Diseases Thyroid and Intro to Endocrinology Circulatory System - Pathway of Blood Stimuli and Responses in Humans Healthcare Systems and Insurance Movement and Locomotion Human Brain Alzheimer Disease Cardiovascular Nursing Vision (AP Psych) Regulation of Urine Formation

Other quiz:

Eye or Nose Injuries › View

Which of these should NOT be done when treating an athlete with a foreign object in their eye?

A. Have them close their eyes for a period of time

B. Flip eyelid up and try to remove object

C. Have athlete gently rub the eye to see if they can remove the object

D. Use saline to try and flush out the object

Respiratory System › View

Where are the sinuses located?

A. In the front lobe of the brain

B. In the skull surrounding the nasal cavity

C. Inside the nares

D. Under the cheek bones