Medical Quiz

Vet Terminology Quiz


A. Packed cell volume

B. Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

C. Central nervous system

D. Gastrointestinal

Select your answer:


Blood and Bones Cardiac & Diseases of Blood Flow Branches of Medicine Burns and Skin Cancer Bonding and the Periodic Table Musculoskeletal System Responses to Exercises Central Nervous System Fitness Population Genetics Energy, Hydrology, Microbiology Meiosis and intro to Genetics Leaves Vocabulary - Health Heredity Aerobic- Cardio Respiratory Endurance

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Which type of joint gives you the largest range of motion?

A. Pivot joint

B. Ball-and-socket joint

C. Hinge joint

D. Gliding joint

Respiratory and Circulatory › View

Tiny sacs in the lungs where gas exchange with the blood takes place.

A. alveoli

B. veins

C. valves

D. clots