Medical Quiz

Life Processes Quiz

Which structures open and close stomata to allow gas exchange but prevent water loss in leaves?
A. Epidermis
B. Vascular tissue
C. Guard cells
D. Spongy mesophyll

Select your answer:


Healthcare Delivery Systems and Insurance Cardiorespiratory or Vascular Systems Biology Hormones Human Genetics Body Systems and Medical Sciences Oral Hygiene Essential Nutrients Eyes and Hearing Laser in Medicine Digestion The Cardiovascular System: Blood Vessels and Hemodynamics Orthopedics Nasal Polyp The Vascular System and Blood Flow

Other quiz:

Enzymes and Their Functions › View

All of the following are examples of Carbohydrates (sugars) EXCEPT…?

A. Sucrose

B. Glucose

C. Fructose

D. Nucleotides

Endocrine System › View

Which one here reduces the amount of glucose in the blood?

A. Glucagon

B. Insulin

C. Glycogen