Coronary artery disease develops
A. The surface of the atheroma plaque of the coronary wall ruptures and a clot is created at the site of damage that clogs the artery
B. A blood clot in the coronary wall ruptures and clogs the artery
C. The surface of the atheroma plaque of the coronary wall ruptures and the fatty strand clogs the artery
D. The coronary wall ruptures and blood circulation in the coronary arteries stops
Select your answer:
Basic Structure of the Human Body Enzyme Nervous System: Diseases/Problems/Illnesses Dental Caries Diet Body Fluids & Circulation DNA, RNA, Proteins Monoclonal Antibodies Radiology Infection Control Respiratory and Circulatory Biodiversity Conservation Health and Disease Cell Membrane and Transport Eyes and Hearing Hemodynamic DisorderOther quiz:
Human Body and Pathogens › ViewWhat happens if arthritis destroys cartilage in a joint?
A. Muscles in the joint will cushion the bone
B. Bones in the joint will rub against each other
C. The bones that connect the joint will not be held together
D. Nothing will happen to the joint
ICU › View
For ABC analysis the sample is collected from:
A. Capillaries
B. Veins
C. Arteries
D. All of the above