Medical Quiz

Health and Disease Quiz


How do you test for lipids?

A. By using Ethanol and water

B. By using Benedicts solution

C. By using Iodine

D. By using Biuret test

Which factor makes your pulse rate change?

A. Gender

B. Physical activity

C. Height

D. Complexion

Which of the following tests for starch?

A. Iodine

B. Benedict’s

C. Biuret

D. Emulsion

How does physical exercise temporarily affect the pulse?

A. Increases the pulse rate

B. Decreases the pulse rate

C. Has no effect

D. Results in a dysrhythmia

When you run around, your body needs a lot more food and oxygen.

A. Yes

B. No

Examples of carbohydrates are:

A. Foods that give provide us with energy: Rice, potatoes and cereal.

B. Foods that build and repair our bodies for growth: Meat, eggs and nuts.

C. Foods that provide us with energy and helps protect our organs: Sunflower oil, butter and avocado pear.

D. Foods that help our bodies develop and stay healthy: Fruit and vegetables.

When protein is present Biuret turns…

A. purple

B. blue-black

C. orange

D. brick red

Which of the following tests for glucose?

A. Iodine

B. Benedicts

C. Biuret

D. Emulsion

When you want to grow your muscles, you must eat more _______.

A. vegetables

B. meat

C. fruit

D. grais

Tuna belongs to the _________ group.

A. fruit

B. grains

C. meats

D. dairy

What is a positive result for the lipid emulsion test?

A. milky white colour

B. clear

C. yellow

D. green

Examples of vitamins and minerals are:

A. Foods that give provide us with energy: Rice, potatoes and cereal.

B. Foods that build and repair our bodies for growth: Meat, eggs and nuts.

C. Foods that provide us with energy and helps protect our organs: Sunflower oil, butter and avocado pear.

D. Foods that help our bodies develop and stay healthy: Fruit and vegetables.

Which of the following tests for protein?

A. Iodine

B. Benedicts

C. Biuret

D. Emulsion

Examples of proteins are:

A. Foods that give provide us with energy: Rice, potatoes and cereal.

B. Foods that build and repair our bodies for growth: Meat, eggs and nuts.

C. Foods that provide us with energy and helps protect our organs: Sunflower oil, butter and avocado pear.

D. Foods that help our bodies develop and stay healthy: Fruit and vegetables.

Examples of fats and oils are:

A. Foods that give provide us with energy: Rice, potatoes and cereal.

B. Foods that build and repair our bodies for growth: Meat, eggs and nuts.

C. Foods that provide us with energy and helps protect our organs: Sunflower oil, butter and avocado pear.

D. Foods that help our bodies develop and stay healthy: Fruit and vegetables.

When starch is present iodine turns…

A. purple

B. blue-black

C. orange

D. brick red

When large amounts of glucose is present Benedicts turns…

A. purple

B. blue-black

C. brick-red

D. green

Cheese belongs in the ______________ group.

A. grains

B. dairy

C. fruit

D. meats


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